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Buy & sell web2 domains.
Low fees, instant transactions.

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Domains being traded around the world

How it works

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To list a domain, transfer custody using your preferred registrar. Once we’ve received your domain, we will issue you a digital receipt (an NFT) representing your ownership which you can use to trade. If you want your domain back, or if you have purchased a new domain, you can redeem an NFT for its corresponding domain at any time in your profile.

How it works

Save on fees

Forget about hidden fees, lawyer costs, exorbitant commissions, and regulatory expenses. Our platform streamlines the domain acquisition process, reducing unnecessary financial burdens. Trade and invest in domain names with confidence, knowing that you're maximizing your budget and minimizing overhead costs.

Transact at the speed of light

Our platform leverages the Solana blockchain for its speed, offering lightning-fast domain trading transactions. This efficiency ensures instant confirmations and quick trade completions, making our service ideal for the fast-paced digital market.

Watch sales in real-time

Blockchain technology in domain trading offers unmatched transparency, recording each transaction on a public ledger for full visibility into the history and prices of domain sales. This is possible without revealing the identities of traders due to the pseudoanonymous nature of wallet addresses.

Never lose another domain

Rather than trusting strangers over the internet to broker your deals, you can instead use our trusted platform to buy & sell domains freely. This makes every domain trade a secure and worry-free experience.


What is a web2 domain?

A web2 domain is any domain that you type into your web browser, such as, or even - the name of our website! Domains are the some of the oldest and most valuable digital assets in existence. By enabling these to be traded we are hoping to bring more long-term, sustainable real-world value to the NFT space.

Why are you using crypto/blockchain for this?

Finding a viable domain name in 2024 is an incredibly frustrating experience. Most registered domains are either sitting empty, or selling for exorbitant prices. We believe the key to solving this problem is increasing market liquidity for registered domains. There are two major innovations powered by blockchain that make this possible. First, a public ledger of available domains. Second, a seamless sales process with instant, secure peer-to-peer payments.

What does the expiration date mean?

Our NFTs, like regular domains, have an expiration date. We purposefully set this a week before the actual expiration date of the domain, so you have some buffer period if you buy a domain that is close to expiry.

How do I renew my domain or extend the expiry date?

Go to your profile, burn your NFT so you receive the domain at the corresponding registrar, then renew the domain for as many years as you like. We're planning to make this process more seamless in the future so you don't need to go through as many steps each time.

What are your commission fees?

We charge a 5% royalty on each sale.

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